Fire Protection Design Consultation

Regency Fire Protection has Auto-CAD designers with 37 years experience.

The Design Staff uses SprinkCAD Design Software, which was developed to allow engineers to quickly design, price, & hydraulically calculate sprinkler systems for all building types. This program takes advantage of the open architecture of AutoCAD by working within it to automate the entire process of sprinkler system design.

Fire Protection Design Consultation
Fire Sprinkler Systems Components

You will get more than just skilled professionals with a comprehensive knowledge of codes & fire protection system requirements.

Count on us for the accurate preparation of fire sprinkler design concepts, detailed specifications, installation plans, & budgetary criteria, as well as the ability to assist with necessary feasibility planning. Additionally, we are there to make value engineering recommendations that will help create a project of the highest quality with effective, efficient use of capital.

Why Choose Us

Regency is fully licensed, bonded, insured Fire Sprinkler company & is an “open” shop. It is our belief that a quality building is built by a stable work force. Our personnel are friendly, courteous, & prompt & have been working together for a long period of time. Working smoothly & efficiently together results in the highest quality workmanship in the least amount of time. Contact us

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